
Monday, April 12, 2010

More New Jersey Spring....

Many years ago I lived in Altadena California and was offered the opportunity (?) to transfer to New York City. The logical place to live was New Jersey and I remember thinking "live in New Jersey?" I had an image of oil refineries, turnpikes and greater downtown Newark and the idea of leaving the foothills of the San Gabriel mtns for that took some creative imagining.
Needless to say I took the job and along the way discovered a New Jersey that only the natives know about. And when the snows finally melt and the trees and grass all come back in the spring-time it is almost as magical as the views of the San Gabriel peaks and canyons. Except for a couple of rainy days I've been out almost every day on the bike the last week or so and if I could I would just package this time of year and keep it for the full twelve months. Yesterday was a perfect example - the temperature was somewhere around 70, the sun was out, just a bit of a breeze, dressed in shorts and short sleeves (the three layers and tights a distant memory) - how perfect for a bike. I did about 55 miles skirting the Sourlands and checking out a bit of horse country along the way. What kind of a perfect day was that?
And a final note - I was stopped at a red light and a motorcycle pulled up to my left. He pulled down his helmet and yelled "Great day for a ride, huh?" I was tempted to respond with a "get away from me" but the spirit of the day prevailed. I said "you got that right - enjoy." And off we went when the light turned green - I may even start waving to those guys again.


  1. Lovely. We had more rain today in SoCal. Must be global warming or something. Tomorrow is forecast to be sunny. I need to take some pictures of our lovely views - bikini-clad volleyball players.

  2. Your weather is definitely better than ours has been the last few days. All in all I would rather be out here.

  3. Where are the gardens?? I thought it was supposed to be the "garden state" with the "Garden State Parkway" and all. (I do wonder how it got that name...)
