
Thursday, January 14, 2010

First ride of '10

It was unseasonably cold the last five/six days we were in Florida - and by unseasonably I mean really, really cold: temps down to the 20s at night and highs of 45 during the day. I, of course, had planned on Florida weather and packed nothing but shorts and short sleeved jerseys. Susan and I went to Epcot one day in the winter coats we wore when we left New Jersey. And the first morning back home it was 11 when I went out to get the paper - "serves you right for complaining about Florida" said an acquaintance. So this morning it was 25 at 8 but the sun was out. I came home from the grocery store about noon and spotted two cyclists. My winter threshold is 4o degrees and minimal wind - when I got home it was 41. With that kind of overage there was nothing to do but get the layers out and get moving. Actually it was a day of bright sun and the requisite no wind and so was not bad at all, especially with 4 layers, winter hiking socks and the hood for the head. I got reacquainted with the rolling terrain of NJ after the "flat" of Florida and fortunately all the ice and snow is off the roads. So, first ride of the new year: 30 miles done, 4,971 to go. Maybe tomorrow again....