
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Back on the roads - again

As I suspected the cataract surgery did require a few days of recuperation but it was not nearly as bad as I had anticipated. I found out that cataract surgery is the most prevalent form of surgery in the United States - I cannot now recall the exact numbers but it is somewhere in the low millions every year. And while it is surgery and is performed in an operating room it is really not much more than what is involved in a typical eye exam. The entire procedure took little more than half an hour and the entire pre-op/post-op took just about two hours - including the coffee and cookies in the recovery room.
I have told a couple of people that counting all the time I've had with various medical professionals over the past six months I'm beginning to feel like some one's trusty old Volvo - shows a lot of miles on the odometer but still runs pretty good and the mechanics keep patching and fixing the little breakdowns and it is back on the road and ready for another trip.
I actually got the bike out on Sunday, a beautiful day after three or four days of rain and warm enough for short sleeves. Today was a little cooler but still nice for mid-November. I'm still rediscovering some the roads I have not seen since early spring and today's pictures are taken from along a couple of those roads in Hunterdon county.
And like Ira I typically ride alone but today discovered a potential partner (as did he in a post a couple of days ago). He is kind of on the skinny side, almost flimsy you might say, so he is not much help when you are looking for a draft. But he certainly doesn't slow you down either and with just a bit of a tail wind he can be an absolute inspiration.


  1. Coffee and cookies? You got coffee and cookies? I need to change medical providers. I wonder if coffee and cookies are included in the healthcare bill now in the Senate.


  2. I think they are a special perk for us medicare folks...hang in there, your turn will come.
