
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BD Ride

Yesterday was ridiculous - windy, overcast and very cold - we almost expected snow. Today was the exact opposite. A little bit of breeze but out of the south and the temperature hit 74/75 by midafternoon. Was truly a perfect day for a ride and I took full advantage of it. I headed over to the west where we find the hills of the Sourlands and had a truly wonderful ride. All the trees are in bloom, the daffodils and forsythia are still in their glory and everything that is supposed to be green is following the proscribed order of things. I remember many years ago when I was approached about transferring to New York with the prospect of living in New Jersey and all I could imagine was turnpikes and oil refineries and it took quite a bit of persuasion before I decided to take a chance and accept the move. I am still a little surprised but this little state has a natural beauty, especially in the spring, that can be breathtaking. All these many years later I am glad and grateful that I can get out and enjoy it.
I had thoughts of riding my age today but alas it was not to be. I had a heavy date with a lovely women (with whom I live) for dinner and so cut it short but just a bit. I did get in my first metric century of the year with couple of miles to spare. Also climbed 4800 feet and wasted 4000 calories (all of which I'm sure were replaced at dinner tonight). Top this off with a wonderful meal and a nice wine at Princeton's best seafood restaurant with Susan and it has been a wonderful day....

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