
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday is for churches

Tonight finds us sitting in Beaufort South Carolina - and that is pronounced Bufort with just a bit of a southern drawl. We also passed through Beaufort North Carolina but that is pronounced Bofort...go figure. Although we haven't seen much of it Beaufort has a nice harbor with lots of island communities similar to most of these coastal lowlands areas. It is also home to a Marine Corps air station and Parris Island, the Marine Corps boot camp. We had an 81 mile ride today and leaving Charleston at 8 on a Sunday morning was a pretty much non-stress event. A few traffic lights but no traffic to speak of and we were pretty quickly out of town and back into the country side. We were on highway 17 for a good part of the ride seems to be the main non interstate route following the coast. In spite of a forecast calling for rain we had sun and a nice following breeze - can't beat that for perfect riding conditions. Our group now stands at five which is a good number - big enough to be seen by traffic but not so large that we start becoming an obstacle. We have also evolved into a pretty good team, rotating the lead on a two miles on/8 off basis and running a fairly decent paceline most of the time. I am so used to riding alone that I've always found leading the paceline difficult. I tend to start pulling away from the group and I look down at my mirror and see everyone way back there instead of right on my wheel. So I am acquiring a new skill set and enjoying it - so far nobody has threatened to have my relegated to the caboose slot. We left 17 for a awhile and got on a true back woods country road. Still mostly pine woods and the occasional swamp but with houses fronting the road at regular intervals. It is a poor area, almost all the houses are modular, mobile home type structures ranging from well kept, pride-of-ownership places to real shacks. And about every mile or so is a church or sometimes a couple of churches across from each other. Most are either Baptist or AME Methodist and it was at one of the latter that we had our first SAG today. Our support van set up in the sandy parking lot and we pulled in with our bikes to take a break. As I was getting off the bike one of the church ladies came over to welcome us and chat a bit. She turned out to be one of the ministers and was so nice and friendly - we felt truly welcomed. She was joined by another younger lady who turned out to be the minister of music and they both very sincerely invited us to join them for worship or least part of it. We politely declined (the road was waiting, another 4o or so miles to go) but we did get photos. And, of course, all along the road were similar churches and at that hour all had full parking lots. I did notice however, that many of the church folks were women and at some of the little crossroads stores along the way there were always men just hanging out....Our second church stop of the day was the ruin that is pictured above. If I remember correctly it is named St. Stephans and one of number who is from South Carolina thought it was originally either Episcopal or Catholic, probably Episcopal. In any case it was originally built before the Revolution but was then set fire by the Union army in the course of the civil war. And so now it stands with an historical marker and visits from passing tourists. I don't know whether it comes through in the photos but it had to have been a very impressive structure at one time. Also, and not so incidentally, the grounds all around it are a huge breeding ground for mosquitoes. Getting off the bikes with our sweaty, warm bodies we must have seemed like filet mignon to the little critters. Needless to say it was a quick visit and I for one did keep moving and swatting - I think I escaped with but one bite. We rode past the Marine Air station on the way into Beaufort - our two former pilots had to stop and take photos of the planes on display at the main gate - its nice to have someone with us who can identify and talk a little about what we are seeing. So as we came into town the clouds were looking a little heavier and sure enough we were not more than 5 minutes into the hotel when it started raining. Unfortunately we can expect more rain tomorrow and perhaps even the next couple of days. Actually, I talked to Susan tonight (who is now safely in residence at sister Ellen's place) and they had rain all through Georgia and Florida, not a good omen for us. Tomorrow we have what I think is our shortest day, only 46 miles. We even get to sleep in a bit leaving at 9 AM instead of the usual 7:45. And then a day off in Savannah. Susan and I spent some time there a couple of years ago so I am looking forward to revisiting - stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like another great day. Keep sending rain over here.
