
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The bike is on the way...

No picture today but I did get some good news that is worth a post...I went back to the lab for a test on the leg this morning and they found absolutely no trace of the clot!!! That is something I've been waiting for since Columbus and I practically did a little jig in the exam room. I promised myself that when the clot finally disappeared and I could discontinue the blood thinners (coumidin) I would be at the bike store at the opening bell. So tomorrow I will be taking my wheels (they did survive the crash) and heading up the road to Halters Bikes. I have picked out the bike - Cannondale Synapse - and the only decision is to go with red or blue....and I think I can handle that. It seems like it has been a long time but when I reflect a bit on how lucky I was it really hasn't been so bad. I have still have a couple more weeks of therapy - six weeks of inactivity robs the leg/ankle of almost all flexibility and it takes time to get it back. I also still have a bit of stiffness in the back but I'm spending about 30 minutes a day on the indoor bike and having no problem with that....It is a great feeling to be getting back to some sense of normality: to go up stairs, to get in and out of the car, to walk with ease. I'm very appreciative of the simple things these days. And to any who are still reading thanks much for your good wishes and support - all that was no small thing along the way. Next entry will be Ride Day!


  1. I say, get the red one! ;-)


  2. Yeah, with flashing lights and sirens too!

    Glad to see a Sept entry and so glad to hear no more clot & coumidin. I sure hope you get some nice outdoor riding weather up there. If not, just hop down here to Texas. We have plenty - actually down to 70 in daytime now. I am trying to get back into the swing of my previous riding too, but slowly.

  3. BIG hug to you. This weekend my sister asked about you wanting to know if you are back on your bike. I love that my family remembers my cycling adventures enough to follow up.

  4. No flashing lights but I did order the RED bike - and got a helmet to match...Have still got a bit of work at physical therapy but I can hardly wait for that bike to get here. Just in time to catch all the fall colors on the NJ country roads.

  5. Good to see that you are going back on the bike.


  6. Glad to hear that you are about ready to get in the saddle again. GREAT NEWS !! and just in time for the Covered Bridges Ride in beautiful Bucks county (Oct 18th) one of your favorite rides. I'd be glad (honored) to ride ANY distance with you. I just hope they don't get us confused, both with the Red Cannondales and helmets, not to mention good looks to boot! Seriously, even if you just want to do the 10 mile flat ride, as an intro to outside riding again, you'll have at least one riding partner!

    Bob, I'm sure it has felt like a very long journey from that fateful road in Ohio to today, but I don't know any body else that could have traveled that journey as optimistically as you have.

    Keep the wind to your back, and more importantly, watch out for motorized two wheeled vehicles. I hear they can be dangerous!

    See you on the road (SOON).


  7. How long does it take to ship?? Is it totally custom built for you? Oh, I know... they are still mixing the fancy red paint for the bike and helmet to be sure they match.
    I am so anxious to see the new bike with you on it!! Be sure to wear your CR09 shirt for the first photo.
    ur sis in TX
