
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weekend meanderings...

I cannot but wonder how the riders of XC11 feel about now: Sunday night, they finished their epic ride on Friday, and tomorrow will be the first morning in many weeks where they don't set the alarm for 5:30 and grab their bikes and hit the road. I know that after following their blogs for several weeks I already have a sense of disappointment that I cannot check in on today's adventures - the ride is over and tomorrow is just Monday again. Thank goodness for "Sweet Nancy" and her daughter - they are only a week into their own cross country - they are doing the Northern route, are currently in Oregon and the blog is fun and the photos excellent. It will certainly do until our East Coast reunion ride in September. And speaking of the East Coast ride....I considered starting a new blog but then decided that this riding thing is really a continuum in my life so why change the blog? And therefore the new and improved title. In spite of - and occasionally because of - the stress over the housing situation (no, we still have not found a buyer) I am starting to get out a little more regularly. I did 65 miles yesterday with an appreciable amount of hills and averaged almost 16 mph. I am also, finally, a couple of hundred miles over my first 1000 for the year. So, much as I still feel behind my usual routine I'm enjoying the bike and the roads and starting to feel pretty good about the year to date. I'm trying to get "psyched" for my first century in a couple of weeks. And every ride I'm thinking of the Maine/Florida adventure. I need to get a few more miles into my log but I'm ready for Portland now....

1 comment:

  1. Glad you decided to continue the same site for your blog. Its about your biking adventures. Hope things go well with the sale of the house.

    Be safe training and for me, a little after the time that Nancy and Adreinne finish I will be able to follow you from Portand.
