
Monday, July 26, 2010

Training for the TdE

Yes, that title is correct - TdE not TdF. I crossed paths with Tom on Sunday (we hadn't seen each other for maybe a month) and he informed me that he is headed for England in about ten days and will be doing a Tour of England. And he is joining Harry (who just finished a ride in California) and Peter. Peter, it should be noted was apparently not satisfied with the TdI (tour of Israel) and needs to add another country to his summer activity list....And so Tom and I met up this morning and headed out into the first truly beautiful day we have had in two or three weeks and hit the roads and hills we spent so much time on last year getting ready for the cross country. We did 77 miles with 4500 feet of climbing and consumed 5500 calories - only thing we could not do was ride on the left side of the road, that is frowned on in New Jersey. In any case, Tom is fresh off the week-long, 500 mile Anchor House ride, seems to be very fit and I am very envious of his upcoming adventure. I am sure we will get a couple more rides in before he hops on the plane and crosses the pond to join Harry and Peter. Meantime I am looking forward to my first century of the summer coming up in a couple of weeks and hoping that this ridiculous weather - temps of 90 and above and humidity almost as high - will give us a break that day. A year ago I wouldn't have given myself much of a chance on a century so, weather be damned, I'm looking forward to it. And, finally, riding together for 77 miles we reviewed and rehashed most of the cross country adventure. In the end you remember the climbs, the centuries, the weather, the funky little places we stopped for lunch - but we agreed that we were exceptionally lucky with the 20 or so people we rode with for those many days: a truly great group of people and they made the journey the fun thing it was. My hat is off to you Tom, Harry, and Peter - I wish I was joining you.


  1. So he is off for the TdE... Any word on XC11? Harry said he would work on the two of them while they were riding. :) XC11 may end of being a reunion of sorts.

  2. Tom looks in really good shape and I am sure he is ready for Harry and Peter's ride.
