
Friday, January 28, 2011

Fickle Florida

Yesterday we went to South Beach and checked out the beach and the local characters. It was a ;perfect day: mid 70s, nice little breeze off the ocean and sun and blue skies. Couldn't ask for a better beach day. Today is our last full day and Susan planned a day with her sister while I wanted one last ride on roads without snow and ice. So last night the weather folks were talking of a cold Canadian air mass and I assumed they meant for New Jersey...apparently such cold front have a long reach. I waited until 11:30 to get on the road but it was still only 54 and with a nasty headwind when I headed toward Palm Beach. Amazing how quickly one can get used to these balmy temps. Of course it never occurred to me to bring anything like arm warmers, heavy jerseys,,,etc. I did have a long sleeve shirt but was watching all these Floridians dressed like I might be in NJ on a day 20 degrees colder. In any case, there was no snow (!), the sun did come out, and by the time I was coming back to our apartment I had found a tailwind and the temperature had gone up to 65 - balmy by my standards. Meantime we have learned that there is about 4 feet of snow in our driveway - we did put in an order to have it ploughed - and can only imagine what we will find after our two weeks in the south...Given all that I am hearing about the NE weather today might have been my last real ride for quite some time....

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