
Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools Day...

It may be the first of April but no foolish jokes by the New Jersey weatherman. We have had what a friend labeled as bipolar (aka schizophrenia) weather the last couple of weeks. We had a weekend of sun and 70's a couple of weeks ago followed by torrential rains, gale force winds and a return to the cold weather of winter. Today was gorgeous, a true return to spring. There are a couple of roads that I like that take me into the Sourland Mtns (not true mountains by Vermont or California standards but lots of hills and climbing to get to the ridges at the top). The area is sparsely populated and generally scenic. One particular road runs by a couple of streams and woods on either side. Today all the streams were running fast bouncing over the rocks on their way to whatever river they finally join. Wild flowers are popping up, the forsythia is in full bloom and daffodils are all over the place. I'm back in shorts and single bike jersey and even had to put a bit of sunscreen on my nose. I looked at my log from 2009 and I am so far from what I had ridden by April first last year I cannot imagine catching up - of course at this time last year I was training for the cross-country and riding every chance I had. However, I did do 53 miles today with almost 4,000 of climbing and I felt good tonight so I must be doing something right. I'm really hoping today is a harbinger of the weeks ahead - I'm really ready to shut down the indoor bike and go for the sun.


  1. I think everyone is a little behind last year's mileage. Now it is about enjoying the days like you had yesterday.

  2. The XC10 ride starts in five weeks. Do you remember how excited we were with at this time last year? The riders already received their jerseys and duffle bags! If anyone finds an XC10 blog, please let me have the link. If I can't ride with them, I can at least experience the thrill second hand.

  3. Crazy weather here in SA too. Cold in the AM and hot in the PM. Raining today but forcasted to be sunny all weekend. PS- Yesterday we were asked to input our rider information. Once I get some links I will post.

  4. Thanks Barbie...I was thinking the same thing as Jim. We can do the XC10 vicariously i.e. relive the miles without ever actually pulling out the foul weather gear or changing a flat along I-10.

  5. I rode through the neighborhood yesterday in search of some yellow flowers that look like forsythia, confederate jasmine. Couldn't find any unfortunately - but the azaleas are just abounding. Very festive for Easter weekend. Hope you are not running into any flooding problems on your riding trails.
